About Charles

Charles Werb born in Cape Town, South Africa on the 23rd June 1959, Adventurer, Ocean Racer, Bike rider, RED DOT DESIGN Award winner and KICK ARSE Snowsailer.


Charles is heavily involved in Adventure Entertainment, www.adventureentertainment.com


Charles has a mission to inspire people to get out and adventure through world class outdoor adventure film content, events and magazines.


Charles’s primary desire is to inspire others and make a meaningful impact on the world through his adventures. This is evident in his pursuit of challenging expeditions, such as his attempt to reach the South Pole, which he dedicated to raising awareness and funds for leukemia research in memory of his father. His desire extends beyond personal achievement to a broader goal of encouraging people to confront their fears, pursue their passions, and live their dreams.


Charles is motivated by a combination of personal and altruistic factors. The loss of his father to leukemia serves as a profound motivator, driving him to undertake significant challenges that test his limits while contributing to a cause close to his heart. This personal connection to cancer propels him to engage in activities that have the potential to inspire change and support others. Additionally, his motivation is fueled by a deep-seated need to explore, innovate, and push the boundaries of what is possible, reflecting his adventurous spirit and dedication to growth and discovery.


What sets Charles apart is his ability to transform adversity into opportunity. His mid-life crisis, rather than slowing him down, acts as a catalyst for a dramatic career and lifestyle shift—from the corporate world to becoming an adventurer, innovator, and filmmaker. His unique approach to life is characterized by his innovative thinking, as evidenced by the creation of his snow sailor, which garnered recognition and a prestigious award. Charles’s resilience, creativity, and ability to inspire through storytelling underscore his distinctiveness, making his journey not just a personal quest but a shared narrative that resonates with and encourages others.

In summary, Charles’s desire to inspire, coupled with his motivation rooted in personal loss and a passion for adventure, and his distinctive approach to life’s challenges, paints the picture of a deeply driven individual. His journey is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and the human spirit’s capacity to find purpose and meaning in the face of adversity.

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